
It will be 2016 soon.

Didn’t 2015 fly past? I can still remember the countdown to 2000 like it was yesterday; maybe I am showing my age, but it’s true; 2000 seems like a few years ago!

This past year, for me, has been one of learning and accepting.

Learning; as always from experiences which I have had to live through; some good, some not so good.

Accepting; there is a lot I am asked to accept, some things I find easier to accept while other things I still struggle with.

I don’t make resolutions, I probably should, but I don’t.

I make a ‘hope’ list.

I simply hope that 2016 will be a little kinder to us all.

I hope we don’t have to make any unscheduled hospital visits.

I hope Ethan sees this coming year through as (relatively ) well as he has 2015.

I hope the toddler stops being a dictator and that the treeager he will become is a happy little dude, with less ‘Ethie’ habits.

I hope J is happy. I hope he continues his hard work in school and at home. I hope he knows how loved he is.

I hope D gets through his final year in college with a job he loves waiting for him at the end of it.

I hope the regression Ethan has gone through this year isn’t as obvious in 2016 (I do know that is a huge hope too)

I hope I can continue to write as honestly as I have been, even when there are times that I feel I really shouldn’t be so honest.

I hope our little family gets to make some more wonderful memories throughout 2016; and I hope these memories don’t upset me. Sometimes I get overwhelmed when we know we are creating a memory for us all to carry with us for the rest of our lives; for example Ethan is seeing Santa next week, this Santa has invited us all to visit when his workshop is closed to the general public. I have no doubt I will get emotional.

I hope I can still be received so well by my readers ; I’ve not been writing a blog for long and I can’t express how heartwarming it is to receive messages of support or messages asking after Ethan and his little brothers.

I hope 2016 goes slower than 2015 …for many, many reasons; Hunter Syndrome being the main one.

And I hope, each and everyone of you reading this have a New Year to remember, celebrate, eat, drink , enjoy and when all that is done I hope 2016 is a kind year to you all and one that brings hope to us all.

Have a hopeful, happy, healthy 2016.

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