An open letter

To my wonderful friends,
I have asked more of you ladies,than you have asked of me. I am aware.
You have held me up when my legs went to jelly.
When we lost our dear friend,Siobhan, you all gathered in our house, we cried and we laughed, each sharing a Siobhan story.
When our house burned to the ground, you were there, offering what you could and giving me strength to keep my chin up.
When Ethan was diagnosed, God, you were stronger than most. You showed up, cried, hugged me( even though you all know, I hate that) , you knew I needed it. You educated yourselves about hunter syndrome and reminded us over and over, that we were not alone. You even found another family for us to talk with, to connect with. We still talk with that family today.
You stood with us, side by side when we organised a fundraising event for hunter syndrome. You each did more than what was asked.
You never judged us, you always seem to just ‘get it’ especially when it came to Ethan. Every ‘crazy’ thing, D and I done, you guys cheered us on. You listened to our reasons and happily took part— Don’t tell the Bride— being one of those ’ crazy’ ideas!!
We don’t get to socialise with you as much as we would like to, life is different for us and you guys just accept that. Each of you take time out of your busy lives to call,visit,email or text us, just to check in.
You are an amazing bunch of friends, who I know, I probably don’t deserve.
You are more like family than friends to me. I am sorry for not being able to go for that drink, that coffee, which plays on my mind, more than you know.
I’ve never thanked you for the support, love, kindness, understanding and friendship you have shown me since our school days right up to now, you have welcomed D with open arms and you love our boys, without a doubt.
So ladies, (I won’t name you, I’m pretty sure you know who you are)——from the bottom of my heart—- thank you for being my friends, you ladies are three in a million and always will be xxx

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