I am a childish twat!!!!!

Today I laughed. That belly laugh. You know the one…it starts off as a giggle then when the other person is confused, you feel it move right from your belly, you open your mouth and a roar like giggle comes out while tears flow…good tears, great tears, happy tears!

J came home from school, his bag weighing him to one side. “Have you much homework?” I asked, hoping the answer would be no, knowing it wouldn’t be. “Yeah, the usual” he sighed.

An hour later he came into the sitting room, copy book in hand. “Will you check my sentences?”. I looked at him. “Did you look up the words in the dictionary, write down the meaning, then do your sentences?”. I knew the answer. ” I left it at school, it’s ok, I know what the words mean” he handed me his already tattered copy. ( It’s the third week of school year…boys eh?!)

“J, the point is to write the dictionary meaning, so you understand exactly what the meaning is” I narrowed my eyes. “Look at me J, do you understand?” He shrugged his shoulders, “Yeah, yeah I know, but I don’t have my dictionary, so I did my best, and I do understand the words, I promise”.

J ‘forgets’ his dictionary every second day, in the vain hope that I will let him loose on the computer. I refuse to. But in fairness to him, he has had the correct meaning of his words every other time…until today.

Reading through his sentences, I suddenly stop. I can feel a smile dance on my lips. I try hard not to grin. J asks “What’s so funny mom? I didn’t write any funny sentences” he leans over my shoulder. I try to compose myself.

“See J, here this word” I point at the word. I can’t even say it, for fear I will roar with laughter. “Missionary?” he asks, all child like and innocent.

Oh I am a bad mammy. I just let out the laughter I was struggling to keep in. I’m laughing now as I type! I couldn’t stop. The tears came fast. I was trying to calm myself down by doing some deep breathing when J pipes up “Is my sentence funny” he’s smiling now too. Don’t read it, don’t read it…I’m trying to control my childish self…” Me and my friend like doing missionary” I roared with laughter.

Admit it you’re smiling now too!!!!!!!!

After seconds of me getting my fit under control, J was looking at me smiling, but confused. I’d to think fast. “Oh sorry J.I just thought of a joke and it made me laugh. Rub out that sentence and I will tell teacher you had no dictionary, good man”

Thank God for innocence,” Ok mom. Will you tell me the joke when I’ve finished my homework?”

“Sure buddy” I smiled. He left. I began to google ‘kid’s jokes’ as I giggled a bit more.

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